Saturday, 3 May 2014

Success In Network Marketing

I started my business out of curiosity. "Could people really make
money online?"

Then when I saw that they could, that curiosity, turned into true
desire. There were tough spots, no doubt, before I had any

When I joined my first company that felt right for me, I wore my
heart on my sleeve, and gave it all that I had.

For it, I had success and grew a team of hundreds or so, but . . .

Guess what happened?

One day that company merged with another and in one fell swoop
there went all my hard work and income.

Did I get sad and depressed, sure for a while, but . . .

Soon that very same fire that started me, lit back up. I picked
myself up, got back in the game, and fell in love all over again.

Here's what I learned from that experience?

At the end of the day, the REAL reward is the experience and
knowledge you gain.

Pay any "price" to get it.

The person who has a fire in their belly, gets back up when they
get knocked down, and then gets better has something far more
valuable than money.

They have the ability to create money on command. It's that place
where passion and experience intersect that wealth is created.

And if you use your time and energy, day in and day out, to focus
your desires like a laser on growing your experience base, your
knowledge base, your education . . .

You'll create, in you, a power that transcends all bounds, even
your bank account.

This is where your true freedom lies.
The first with internet entrepreneurs

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