Monday, 5 May 2014

personal characteristics and skills you need to become successful in SFI

SFI like any other business requires you to :

1. Develop the quality of courage and persistence.
Courage to begin /launch your business, plan, take action without guarantees. This is not a get rich quick scheme that guarantees income without work.
Persistence- never give up no matter what.

2. Remember every skill in any business is learnable including SFI. We are always one skill away from being successful in our field.

3. Our motto: Aim High Dream Big should be a personal slogan. Be a dreamer. Imagine all the nice things you wish for and work towards them.

4. Love what you do here at SFI and commit to excellence. Aim to be in the top lots( leadership boards). We should take note that some doing well were once doing poorly.

5. See yourself as self-employed at SFI. Take full responsibility for your own business. Decide exactly what you want and make a plan how you will achieve it. Determine the price you will pay to get your business running and resolve to pay the price in advance. No good thing comes easy.

6. Refuse to accept the possibility of failure. Become an unshakable optimist. Try the right things at the right time and keep going.

7. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. Read the launchpad lessons and take every internet income course you can.

8. Develop a workaholic mentality. Work all the time you work and avoid distractions. Successful people normally start work a little bit early and work a little bit late.

9. Get around the right people. Associate with winners at SFI who are upbeat. Choose your a2a friends well and learn a thing or two from them.

10. Be prepared to climb from peak to peak in your team building and duplication methods. Keep going and develop resilience. Always bounce back even after unsuccessful advertising campaigns.

11. Lastly but more importantly, have the quality of self discipline. Alway force yourself to do what you know you should do. Stick to your routine, your team support messages and your work ethics. With self discipline to do something everyday, you move one step forward towards achieving your goals at SF.

This is where your true freedom lies.
The first with internet entrepreneurs

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