Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tips for Building and Leading a Team

Have you ever listened to a vocal ensemble sing a piece of music?  Usually, there are several different parts being sung such as bass, tenor, alto, and soprano.  Each of these parts don’t sound quite right when isolated, but put together, they contribute something that is greater than any one part.  The same can be said about teamwork in direct sales and small business.  No one is ever a success or failure without the help of others; so building an effective team is important to the growth of your business.  Here are some things to keep in mind for both building a team and leading it well.
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·         Identify your ideal team.  Decide what characteristics are important for your potential team members to possess.  With this as your focus, you will be better able to find like-minded people who will be compatible with you and each other.
·         Find quality people.  You don’t want to hire just anyone to join your business, so put in place some measure to recruit smart and talented people.  For example, create an entrance interview where potential employees write down how they work best, what they consider a good reward, and how they are effectively motivated.  This creates an understanding among team members and you of how to best work together toward a common goal.
·         Provide training.  Was Babe Ruth a record-setting hitter the first time he picked up a baseball bat?  Even the most talented person doesn’t walk in on the first day knowing how to do everything right. Provide some initial training when someone is hired, and continue to offer professional development and mentor opportunities throughout your team’s time with you.
·         Implement a recruiting system.  Recruiting can be done through traditional advertisements, the use of social media, word of mouth, etc.  Find a system that works best for your business, and be open to recruits about what your business goals are.
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·         Delegate.  It may be difficult to give up some control, but empowering your employees by delegating important responsibilities demonstrates your trust in their decisions and creates a positive culture of teamwork.
·         Have an open-door policy.  Your team should not hesitate to come to you for guidance, questions, and feedback.  Making yourself as accessible as possible will prevent many employees from making mistakes.
·         Challenge your team.  Encourage them to think outside the box, even if it’s a bit more than you think they can handle.  Part of being a good leader is helping people recognize and utilize their own talent.
·         Acknowledge their talents.  Although you want to create a culture of teamwork, it is also important to give credit to individuals when warranted.  Doing so will keep them motivated to continue doing good work.
Remember the famous saying, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”  Building and leading a great team requires careful planning and continuous learning.  Surround yourself with intelligent people who are willing to work hard, and the sky’s the limit.
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How have you created a better team?  Share your tips in the comments below!

4 Ways To Make Your Product Seem More Valuable and Desirable

You probably think that your product line is the best one out there. After all, that’s why you sell it! And it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because you understand the benefits, the value is obvious to everyone. But that’s usually not the case. And simply reciting a long list of features and benefits will likely lose you the sale. It takes a skilled salesperson to highlight products in a way that make them seem valuable and desirable to customers.
Here are some tips to make your products feel more valuable and desirable for your customers:
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1.    Get people talking. The more you can get others talking about your products, the more valuable and desirable they will seem. So when your customers are happy with your products, ask them to tell a friend. Provide them with the “above and beyond” service experience that makes them want to jump on Facebook and tell all their friends to shop with you too. Record videos of your customers using your products (or ask them to provide videos) and feature them through your social media profiles. Post testimonials from happy customers on your Facebook Page and website so people see how great your products are. Run contests where people submit pictures of themselves using your products, and share those photos with their friends. It’s a human trait to want what others have and like. Capitalize on that to build the desire for your products.
2.    Skip the long features list. Presenting too many features and benefits can bore your customer, and cause them to become overwhelmed, so they buy nothing at all. Instead, listen carefully to your customer and ask questions that help you find out what is important to him or her. Then you can highlight just the features that are most relevant to that specific customer, which makes your product seem most valuable to him or her.
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3.    Highlight ease of use. The easier you can make your product seem, the more valuable it will be in the eyes of your customer. Of course you don’t want to in any way misrepresent your product, but educating your customer on how to use your product so that they don’t have to struggle to figure it out later will help your customer make a purchasing decision. Rather than having to rely on the instructions that come in the box, they’ve already had an educated salesperson who has taken the time to explain the product, and shown how easy it is to use. That beats a nameless, faceless big box store with uneducated employees every day of the week, and makes it more likely you’ll get the sale.
4.    Offer a test drive. People love to “try before they buy,” so when possible, give people the chance to test out your products risk-free. Offer a money-back guarantee, or have samples they can use before they purchase.  When you let people use your product first, they can see for themselves how valuable your product is, which increases the likelihood that they will buy it, because they’ve integrated it into their routine.
When customers have a chance to use and understand your products, they are more likely to purchase for themselves, and tell their friends. How do you present your products so that your customers find them desirable and valuable?
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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Side Jobs: Your Way to a Successful Business

Although building a successful business involves knowing a great deal about a particular industry, the good news is that there are many ways in which to learn that don’t require expensive or time-consuming resources, such as a business degree.  The following is a list of suggestions to help you learn about your industry and expand your network quickly with the goal of growing your business.
·         Volunteer your time.  There are always people in need of extra help, especially the kind that comes free.  Find outlets within your community to volunteer in some capacity that is related to your business.  For example, if you want to start a home-based daycare business, consider volunteering your services to relatives, neighbors, and places of worship.  This allows you to gain more experience in the industry, demonstrate your exceptional service, get your name locally recognized, seek referrals, and make contacts for potential customers.  Think of this donation of time as a worthy investment in your business.
·         Become a temp.  Many employment agencies specialize in placing workers in temporary positions and can even meet requests. Temp work not only allows flexibility to work with a variety of businesses, but it is also a very effective way to improve areas of weakness. For instance, if your business is lacking in customer service, consider taking a temporary customer service position.  Most retail businesses have a corporate headquarters where customer service reps are trained and take calls from clients.  Such a position would allow you to work on your interactions with customers and apply what you’ve learned to your own business.
·         Work as a consultant.  If you have a specialized talent (web design, marketing, computer troubleshooting, financial projections, etc.), taking on a consulting position will help you make new contacts to bring to your business.  You can start by contacting local business owners to offer your services for a reasonable hourly rate.  Once they see what a great job you’ve done, they will be able to refer you to other business owners.  Furthermore, you will have formed a professional relationship and expanded your business network.
·         Give back to your community.  Local business schools and community colleges are chock full of motivated young people about to enter the workforce.  Think about contributing your expertise and experience to their cause.  For example, an owner of a business that provides classes in mixed martial arts can approach future graduates of local theatre and film programs.  Lots of these students are about to move to a big city for the first time, so the owner decided to offer them a free self-defense class.  Most of these students wouldn’t be able to afford the tuition for a normal class, but would eagerly take advantage of such an offer.  Additionally, they would recommend the business to friends and family.
Taking on side jobs to build your business is a great way to stay motivated, improve areas of weakness, and build a network of potential customers and colleagues.  How have you used side jobs to build your business?

How to Run a Business on a Shoestring Budget

Running your business on a tight budget is not only possible, but extremely beneficial, even when times are good.  You don’t even need a degree in business or finance to create and stick to a budget; all you need is common sense, organizational and planning skills, and motivation.  Read on for some ways to operate your business on a shoestring budget.
·         Understand your cash flow.  Cash flow, in its simplest terms, is the movement of money in and out of your business.  It is of utmost importance that you know where every penny you spend goes, and where every penny you earn comes from.  This may seem easy, especially if you’re the only employee, but unless you document carefully and review your cash flow frequently, you may find that too much money is being spent that does not contribute to your bottom line.  If you need to tighten your belt, so to speak, it may be necessary to cut back on expenses that are not directly related to income.  For example, that shiny new business card certainly looks nicer coming out of your pocket to hand to a prospect, but is the higher cost going to directly result in a sale?  These are questions you need to ask yourself when creating and/or revisiting your budget.
·         Stick to your budget.  This may seem obvious, but it isn’t difficult to underestimate your expenses and overestimate your income.  When budgeting, be conservative.  Before making any kind of purchase, ask yourself why you need it and how it will bring in money.  Sticking to your budget and reviewing it often will help prevent cost overruns before they happen.  Tip: Categorize each expense according to a pre-determined system that works for your particular situation.  This will make it much easier to sort your expenditures and decide which ones contributed to your income and which did not.
·         Push sales.  Starting and running on a shoestring budget means you lack capital and that’s not the ideal. To overcome the lack of capital you must be willing to quickly generate sales. You must clearly identify your target market and have prospects ready to buy. Make sure your marketing materials reach those who need your products/services and your sales presentation is effectively closing sales. For free marketing resources, visit
·         Establish a network. You will need to quickly establish a large targeted network of prospects that are ready to buy, a network of influencers that will help spread the word about your business, and a group of people who’ll support your vision. Having a large network of people is the key to running a business on a shoestring budget. The more people you and your business are connected with, the more sales you will have. This will allow your business to get established, maintain stability and create the foundation to a successful long term business.start a second income with company the first with internet entrepreneurs

Monday, 28 April 2014

6 Practices to Boost Your Chances of Success in Life and Business

We all define success differently. For some, it might be the ability to purchase a nice car or take a fabulous vacation. For others, it might mean being able to provide for one’s family. I think it’s important to take the time to explicitly define what success means to you. And of course, you don’t have to settle on just one definition. 
I’ve been doing some reflecting lately, what actions have lead me to be the most happy in my personal and professional life.

When I think about my successes, and the successes of my peers, several practices immediately jump out at me. Want to be a successful person? Do the following:
1. Seek out new experiences. It’s easy to get caught up spending your time doing the things you already know you like. If that's all you do, you won’t grow as much as a person. The wider the range of experiences you pursue, the more you will be exposed to different people, lifestyles and perspectives. If you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you will have more empathy. Seeking out new experiences means you’re willing to challenge yourself and want to keep learning about the world around you. Those are two keys to success.
2. Abandon your expectations. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that having expectations is a surefire road to disappointment. Why not walk into an unfamiliar situation with an open mind? It’s impossible to be let down if you don’t make assumptions about what should or shouldn’t happen. When you open yourself up to possibility, not necessarily expecting anything immediately or directly in return, amazing things can happen. I’ve been reminded of this time and time again.  

3. Treat everyone you meet with respect. Everyone has something to offer. You’ll be surprised at how many people will be willing to support and follow you if you treat them with respect, regardless of what they’ve achieved or where they are in their life. To be successful, we all need help. It’s impossible to predict who may be able to help you later. People are dynamic. Things change. Don’t miss out an opportunity to befriend someone because you’re too judgmental.
4. Give back. Whether it’s to a charity, a cause you believe in or a stranger who could benefit from your help, there are immeasurable benefits to thinking of others. For one, you’ll become a better and more attentive listener. You’ll focus less on your own shortcomings.

5. Celebrate milestones, large and small. Let me tell you: When you finally achieve that goal that has been eluding you, it won’t feel as great as you imagined it would. That’s been my experience anyway. You’ll be a much happier person if you celebrate each step along the way. If you wait to celebrate that one elusive goal -- you might end up waiting a long time. There’s so much more for you to appreciate. And when you make the time to celebrate milestones, you welcome others -- your friends and family -- to take part in your success.
6. Let go of the past. Mistakes are stepping stones to success. People who are willing to take risks inevitably make mistakes. That’s OK. I’ve learned more from my mistakes than my successes. In fact, I know I couldn’t have been successful without making mistakes. So stop beating yourself up. And in that same vein, try not to be so hard on others.
What’s your personal definition of success? Tell me in the comments section.

compound growth

The way to become rich is to put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket"
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Why Entrepreneurs Should Plan for Failure, Not Success

Starting three companies -- two of which didn't take off the way I envisioned -- taught me that while entrepreneurs should dream big, it’s essential that we also plan for failure. More than 90 percent of start-ups fail.
And recognizing this right off the bat will prepare you intellectually, emotionally and financially, if your venture doesn't succeed.
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Planning for failure doesn't make you negative or paranoid. It makes you smart. First, there's a huge difference between preparing for failure and thinking you’re going to fail. The latter is highly discouraging and curtails growth. The former, on the other hand, is about being practical and thoughtful about all of the possibilities that may occur. In some ways, it can even encourage entrepreneurs to progress because being prepared quells fear and prods you to keep going.
I always plan for worst-case scenarios, considering how they may affect my team, their lives and how to mitigate them. For example, I need to think ahead: What if we were to lose one of our largest clients? How would that impact our cash flow, company morale and what would my investors think of the company’s outlook? It’s difficult to think of these scenarios, but I believe it’s necessary to plan for it. In some cases, planning for failure helps me anticipate challenges so I can prevent them from happening.
Additionally, being honest with yourself and thinking about potential failure enables you to identify mistakes that you’re making in your business, so you can correct them more quickly along the way.
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It helps you be more objective. Starting and running a business can be a very emotional experience. Your company is your "baby,” after all, and it’s something that you’ve poured a lot of heart and passion into. Forcing yourself to be prepared for the worst can help balance that out. How? Planning for failure or thinking of an exit strategy pushes you to be less “clingy” with your company. It forces you to look at the facts and unpleasant possibilities (no matter how difficult), thereby enabling you to be more analytical and objective.
Being a bit disassociated from your company also gives you more perspective because it allows you to look at it from the vantage point of your investors or customers. This, in turn, helps you generate ideas or even catch errors that you may have missed being too close to your business.
Toward the end of my first company's existence, my co-founder Andrew  and I forced ourselves to evaluate the business from a customer’s perspective, and we learned that the solutions we were building simply did not solve a problem that was big enough. We set our emotions aside and closed the business because when looking at the facts, we did not have a business. We would have not had the courage to face our failure so quickly if we didn't plan for it.

Recognizing that you might fail keeps you on your toes. Acknowledging the possibility of failure prevents you from being complacent. Knowing that at any point your venture could take a wrong turn keeps you from resting on your laurels, which means you strive harder and don’t let success lead to hubris.
Never became too self-satisfied. Remember it takes years to build a company and one simple mistake to bring it all back to nothing. Never lose sight of that. It's important to stay focused and hungry.
Planning for failure makes it easier to move on. Preparation can help soften the blow in the event that your company hits the rocks. Looking back, I don’t think I would have been able to move on quickly from my unsuccessful ventures if I hadn't prepared for the possibility of failure.
When my first start-up didn't take off, Andrew and I were prepared to deal with the circumstances. We had planned for it mentally, emotionally and financially, and decided we weren't going to take it personally, which was why it only took us two weeks to recharge and start our next venture.
No one wants to face the dreaded “F” word, but even the most successful entrepreneurs experience their share. It’s simply part of the game. And, who knows? It could even serve as the foundation for something far bigger and better. 
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Sunday, 27 April 2014

Better Networking

Better Networking

Whether you own a storefront business or operate from your home, relationship-building plays an essential role in your business.  Networking has the potential to provide many opportunities such as word of mouth marketing, potential customers, and mutually beneficial partnerships with other small business owners.  Read the following tips on how to make the most out of the time you invest in networking.
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·         Be generous in giving out referrals.  Referrals are as valuable as gold in the small business world because receiving one provides a basis on which to build a relationship as well as giving you a foot in the door when making that initial contact.  In order to receive more referrals from others, offer them to other fellow small business owners.  It is human nature for people to return a favor; just think about the last time someone gave you a referral.  Didn’t you want to give them something in return to show your appreciation?  The more referrals you pass on to others, the more likely they are to pass some on to you.

·         Look beyond your target market.  Although the bulk of your time should be spent focusing on your target market, it is still a good idea to look beyond that demographic in order to connect with new people.  For instance, a seller of women’s beauty products caters mostly to her target market of young professional women.  However, at certain times of the year such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas, she markets her business to men in search of thoughtful gifts to give their girlfriends or wives.  She holds men-only shopping events in which a guy can feel comfortable shopping in a “girl’s store”, and she encourages them to bring some photos of that special lady so she can help guide him toward the appropriate products.  When the men come away with a good shopping experience and a grateful girlfriend, they are likely to return as loyal customers and recommend her business to their buddies, dads, and brothers.

·         Develop a reputation for excellence.  In these times of economic hardship when mostly everyone is looking for the best deal, people are still willing to pay a little more for a quality product and outstanding customer service.  Make each customer glad that he/she chose you to do business with instead of a competitor by providing those two things.  Additionally, find ways to make customers feel special each and every time they shop (not just the first time when you want to make a good first impression).  If you can consistently provide what your customers wants and needs and do it in a way that they will enjoy, then you will begin to build a reputation for excellent business practices.  Customers will recommend you to others, and you will become a trustworthy and dependable force within your niche.  Remember that this takes time, so be patient, persistent, and always put forth 100%.
Just like any other skill, networking requires practice in order to improve.  Follow the tips mentioned above and always seek out other resources to stay aware of current networking trends.  How do you improve your networking skills?
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Friday, 25 April 2014

Remember, Persistence Pays Off. Stay Motivated With These 5 Tips

The most important goals you set for yourself will take time to achieve. That’s a fact.
At some point, though, I can pretty much guarantee that you’re going to feel frustrated things aren’t moving faster. But, the truth is, hurrying won’t help you. It can be hard to stay motivated when times are tough. You may even feel like you want to quit. But if you are patient, your persistence will pay off.
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Here are five tips I use to remind myself of the big picture -- and to not give up too easily.
1. Create a realistic schedule. The key word here being realistic. If you haven’t written down the steps you’re going to take to achieve your goals and when you expect to complete them by, it can be hard to stay on track. At the same time, remember to be flexible: Nothing productive will come out of beating yourself up if you’re behind schedule. There will be unexpected twists and turns on your path to success. Revisit your schedule frequently and update it as need be.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded people. At work and on your time off, spending time with people who have a positive outlook on life can be very inspiring. Avoid people who have a defeated attitude and are generally negative, because their perspective will inevitably rub off on you. It also helps to talk to friends and family about your aspirations. People who have your best interests in mind will want to talk to you about them and may even be able to provide constructive criticism.
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3. Never stop learning. When I’m in the process of tackling a big job, there are a few books I revisit for inspiration. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz is one of them. Reading advice from successful people, whether it’s online or in a book, can jumpstart your enthusiasm. At the same time, it can be good to take a break and immerse yourself in another topic to help facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas. Taking a step away helps put everything into perspective, which is so important. (Don’t sweat the small stuff!)

4. Carve out time for yourself. Take care of yourself. Recharge your batteries by doing something that makes you happy. When I’m stressed out and frustrated, walking away from what’s upsetting me is almost always helpful. I’m more able to come up with effective solutions when my head is clear and I’ve slowed things down. If you focus solely on reaching your goals, you won’t enjoy the journey. And the reality is that there are a lot of victories to be enjoyed along the way. You’ll miss out on life if you’re consumed by your ambitions. In my opinion, that’s no real way to live.

5. Set more than one goal. I have trouble following this advice, but I know it’s good. Achieving goals in other arenas of your life -- like fitness and health -- will keep you happy and give you confidence. You can complete what you set out to do. It’s just a matter of time! You’ll feel less pressure to succeed at work if you have other things going for you. And what you learn about achieving your goals in other arenas will inform your professional aims. With that in mind, don’t forget to congratulate yourself!    start a second income with company the first with internet entrepreneurs

Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires

First, understand that you no longer want to be just a millionaire. You want to become a multimillionaire.
While you may think a million dollars will give you financial security, it will not. Given the volatility in economies, governments and financial markets around the world, it's no longer safe to assume a million dollars will provide you and your family with true security. In fact, a Fidelity Investments' study of millionaires last year found that 42 percent of them don't feel wealthy and they would need $7.5 million of invest-able assets to start feeling rich.start a second income with company the first with internet entrepreneurs
This isn't a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillionaire-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process. To get started, consider these seven secrets of multimillionaires.
No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire -- You first have to decide you want to be a self-made millionaire. I went from nothing—no money, just ideas and a lot of hard work—to create a net worth that probably cannot be destroyed in my lifetime. The first step was making a decision and setting a target. Every day for years, I wrote down this statement: "I am worth over $100,000,000!"

No. 2: Get Rid of Poverty Thinking -- There's no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think correctly about it. To become a millionaire from scratch, you must end the poverty thinking. I know because I had to. I was raised by a single mother who did everything possible to put three boys through school and make ends meets. Many of the lessons she taught me encouraged a sense of scarcity and fear: "Eat all your food; there are people starving," "Don't waste anything," "Money doesn't grow on trees." Real wealth and abundance aren't created from such thinking. 
No. 3: Treat it Like a Duty -- Self-made multimillionaires are motivated not just by money, but by a need for the marketplace to validate their contributions. While I have always wanted wealth, I was driven more by my need to contribute consistent with my potential. Multimillionaires don't lower their targets when things get tough. Rather, they raise expectations for themselves because they see the difference they can make with their families, company, community and charities. 

No. 4: Surround Yourself with Multimillionaires -- I have been studying wealthy people since I was 10 years old. I read their stories and see what they went through. These are my mentors and teachers who inspire me. You can't learn how to make money from someone who doesn't have much. Who says, "Money won't make you happy"? People without money. Who says, "All rich people are greedy"? People who aren't rich. Wealthy people don't talk like that. You need to know what people are doing to create wealth and follow their example: What do they read? How do they invest? What drives them? How do they stay motivated and excited? 
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No. 5: Work Like a Millionaire -- Rich people treat time differently. They buy it, while poor people sell it. The wealthy know time is more valuable than money itself, so they hire people for things they're not good at or aren't a productive use of their time, such as household chores. But don't kid yourself that those who hit it big don't work hard. Financially successful people are consumed by their hunt for success and work to the point that they feel they are winning and not just working. 

No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing -- The rich don't spend money; they invest. They know the U.S. tax laws favor investing over spending. You buy a house and can't write it off. The rich, in contrast, buy an apartment building that produces cash flow, appreciates and offers write-offs year after year. You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their company that are deductible because they are used to produce revenue.
No. 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income -- The really rich never depend on one flow of income but instead create a number of revenue streams. My first business had been generating a seven-figure income for years when I started investing cash in multifamily real estate. Once my real estate and my consulting business were churning, I went into a third business developing software to help retailers improve the customer experience.
Lastly, you may be surprised to learn that wealthy people wish you were wealthy, too. It's a mystery to them why others don't get rich. They know they aren't special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist. Rich people want others to be rich for two reasons: first, so you can buy their products and services, and second, because they want to hang out with other rich people. Get rich by start a second income with company the first with internet entrepreneurs

Six Easy Ways to Attract More People

Whether you’re looking to attract more customers, recruit new employees, or network with influential people, there are a few simple things you can do to increase your chances of success. Take a look at our list to see how you can attract more people to you and your business.
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·         Engage everyone with a friendly greeting. Sometimes we get caught up in our own worlds and don’t take the time to greet each person properly. Initiate a friendly exchange by greeting each person. A simple opening such as, “How are you this morning?” or “It’s a pleasure seeing you again,” can suffice. More often than not, such pleasantries can lead to a friendly conversation. When people know you are genuinely interested, they will not only remember you, but will look forward to interacting with you again.
·          Focus on the individual. Although your ultimate goal may be to attract a certain number of people, forget that number when interacting with one person. For that moment in time, focus solely on the individual. What are his or her needs? How can you be of service to the person? What message is the person trying to convey to you? Don’t inadvertently turn people off by engaging them in generic conversations. Tailor your interactions to that particular person.
·          Avoid arguments. You will not always see eye to eye with each person you come in contact with. Arguing, however, is unprofessional and will turn people away. Be proactive and avoid potentially controversial topics such as politics and religion. Even if you do these things and a disagreement happens anyway, take the high road and “agree to disagree.” People will respect and appreciate your honesty and courtesy.
·          Assume everyone is good. By doing so, you demonstrate that you are a positive person who sees the good in others. This feeling is contagious and often reciprocated. Everyone makes mistakes, but giving others the benefit of the doubt will encourage a sense of trust and will likely strengthen your relationship. Besides, wouldn’t you want others to think the best of you?
·          Be helpful. This can be done in so many ways, and a good deed will definitely be remembered by others. For example, the owner of a local pizzeria found a gold bracelet on a table left behind by one of his last customers of the night. He had no idea who she was or how to contact her, so he put it aside in case she came in again. She returned a few weeks later, and he asked her if she had lost it. The woman was so grateful she was nearly in tears; it turns out the bracelet was left to her by her recently deceased grandmother. She told everyone who would listen how generous the man was and became a loyal patron of the establishment. It would have been just as easy for the owner to toss the bracelet or keep it, but his helpful nature earned him something that was priceless for his business.
·          Get involved. Reach out to your customers, your staff, and your community. Involving yourself in a good cause will show others that you truly care. People are attracted to others who are generous with their time and skills. Demonstrate your sincere desire to give back to those around you.
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Thursday, 24 April 2014

Why Are Customers Attracted to You?

It’s no secret that consumers have many choices when it comes to where they purchase a product or service.  In most cases, the same product can be found at a local retail store, a big box chain, and at several online marketplaces.  With all this competition, it’s important for small business owners to recognize and appeal to customers’ attraction to your particular business.  Giving them a reason to choose you is not as difficult as you may think. Read on to find out why you possess an edge over your competitors.for complete details click here

·         They trust you.  You consistently provide an exceptional customer service experience.  You’re attentive, pleasant, knowledgeable of your products’ features and benefits, and you’re always willing to go the extra mile.  Not only that, but because customers are always dealing with you, a relationship can grow.  Wouldn’t you rather shop with someone who knows you by name, asks about your family, is familiar with your product needs, and can even anticipate them?  Most people are even willing to pay a bit more to have a shopping experience like this; if they know they aren’t being “sold to,” they will want to return as loyal customers because they trust that you have their best interests in mind.
·         They have a need for your product/service.  This is where it becomes imperative that you know how to demonstrate to your customers why they need your product.  Perhaps it offers little known but substantial health benefits, provides a solution to an everyday problem, or just makes life a little bit easier.  Knowing how to educate potential customers is a major asset to your business because you will be able to attract new people all the time.  Become an expert in what you’re selling and share your enthusiasm about the product with others.
·         It’s a great value.  Value isn’t always about the price.  Value is about the overall package.  As stated above, customers are usually willing to pay a little more for certain things, and a product’s value will determine how much more that is.  For example, your window treatments, although competitively priced, may not be the cheapest available.  What you can offer, however, is a guarantee that the work isn’t completed until the customer is satisfied with the result.  You also offer free lifetime consultations on any room in the house after the purchase of just one other window treatment.  A service like that can tip the scales in your favor when a customer is deciding who to shop with.  Find ways to increase the value of your products and services, and your customers will be more attracted to your business than some of your lower-priced competitors.
·         You help them through the buying process.  Making the choice to buy something can be stressful for many people.  All the choices of where to go and what to buy can be overwhelming to say the least.  Do everything possible to help your customers make their way through the process from start to finish.  Yes, there is a chance that they decide not to buy from you in the end; however, your personalized service will make a positive impression that likely bring that customer back to you in the future and even recommend you to others.  Remember to listen, be patient, and offer your expert advice through every step of the process.
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