Let me ask you – Why do we invest in anything
at all? What do you consider “investing;” is it time or is it fiances or both?
I know your question is aimed at SFI but do you understand that everything that
we do at home, in our family, our work place (if still employed) is considered
some kind of investment.
Why invest in SFI? Am I going to tell you to invest in SFI because it is the
best program on the net today? No! That is called hype.
I can go on and on like this but I know you would want me to get to the point.
And I see it this way:
You need to decide for yourself if you can see a reason to invest your time or
money in SFI and TripleClicks.
Before you make an investment of any kind – time or otherwise – you need to
gather the facts for yourself and weigh them against your dreams and desires
you have for your future and if you can see that it is obtainable through SFI
and TripleClicks then what are you waiting for?
If you were given all the testimonies and facts from every affiliate in SFI
about investing in this program you will still have to gain the confidence to
do that through your inner man.
You must know within yourself without doubt that investing in SFI and
TripleClicks is for you.
As an example: Myself – I joined many on-line programs only to have them fall
apart in a couple months or to see that the program is a rip off. I learned
real fast to be a “skeptic” on every on-line company I looked at.
I made me a set of 10 rules that a company must fall into before I would
consider joining them - If a program or company did not pass at least 8 of my
rules then I wouldn’t join.
When I joined SFI they only passed 7 of my rules but something in me told me to
hang on for a minute or two. I signed up and during the first two months all
most the only thing I did was read and do the daily activities.
Within a short period of time I realized that SFI and TripleClicks passed all
10 of my personal rules and proved themselves more worthy than what I had
listed. This has given me the confidence that I needed to make the decision to
invest whatever I could in time and money because I know without a doubt I can
do it through this company.
Now I say to you – Invest the time to search within yourself and make an
intelligent decision that you would be happy with. And whatever you come up
with “go for it with gusto”