Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Think, act, and grow

There are two people that live in each one of us. One of their names is "Success" and the other's is "Failure". They are always talking to you but sometimes, one is yelling louder than the other. Unfortunately, it is usually Failure. No matter what you try to achieve, he yells out, "failure, failure". Most of us listen and are inclined to give up. But if you fight against that voice and never give up, you will always find that "Success" will catch his breathe right when you need it the most. He will yell out in a triumphant voice, "You're a winner, you can do it". If you always allow successful thinking to energize you, you will find that soon "Failure" will fall off your shoulder. NEVER GIVE UP!"
- Allen Steble-

Don't be afraid to go for what you believe in. If you have a dream, follow it all the way through and dream big. The bigger you dream the better off you'll be. If you dream large and you fall a little bit short then you are further off than where you started. However, if you dream small then you won't be any better off than you were the moment you started dreaming. Dreaming big can never hurt, as long as you are willing to do what it takes to accomplish that dream. Dream bigger and bigger things will happen to you

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