Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A good content for weekly newsletters to YOUR team?

As a Team Leader we are given the opportunity to write weekly newsletters for our team members. Thus, it is imperative that the content is good and well constructed so that our team members or down liners will be inspired or motivated. 

Firstly, it should be precise and not too long. Maybe you could summarize the latest news or announcements made by SFI in their weekly newsletter. You should not repeat what has been stated earlier in the SFI newsletter as this will be redundant and be of little interest to the team members since they might have already read earlier. What you can do is just to elaborate further by stressing important points in connection thereto. Free to start..work online

Secondly, you should also share your SFI experiences and how you have achieved success. By doing so you would have given them vital information in their journey towards achieving the same. Not to forget you should also highlight the obstacles faced and how you manage to overcome them. Remember that your success is directly tied to how your team members or down liners performed. At the end of the day you shall also be able to reap the rewards. 

Thirdly, get your team members or down liners to revise the various training resources provided by SFI. It is preferred that you focus on only one resource per week. Elaborate further so that your team members or down liners understand fully the subject matter. This is also vital since only affiliates who are well equipped with the knowledge can progress further and attain success in SFI. 

Lastly, emphasize on the need of team work and complementing of each other. Only good team work can ensure success for everyone. Remember that of all of us are in SFI business for a common goal which is to earn extra and possibly have a financial independence 

Hope the above helps and good luck. 

See you at the top. 

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