Wednesday, 3 December 2014

What should I work on to build my SFI business when I can't access the SFI Affiliate Center?

There are many ways to grow your SFI business that does not require an Internet connection however. I am basically still pretty new to Internet Marketing, but I know quite a bit about Face to Face marketing, Hard selling, and recruiting from experience, so my advice to you, would be to do the following: 

1) Work on your warm market - Speak to friends and family (colleagues too if possible) about SFI, people who are not already signed up, and warm them up to the idea of creating an additional income stream. 

2) Hold presentations or "parties" at your home where you invite friends over specifically to introduce them to SFI, provide light snacks and some juice, maybe even a glass of wine, mention in your invites that you have something you would really like to get some advice on - works every time! 

3) Hand out/post flyers, SFI X-cards, Gift cards and more. Just check out "marketing methods" and you will find tons of ways to promote that dont require you to be on the net. 

4) Call businesses in your area that you think would benefit from the ECA programme, and If they are interested in joining, drop off one of the pamphlets SFI provides. 

5) Get an SFI t-shirt and cap and other promotional material needed to do your own flyer drops at robots, hotels, wherever! Be creative... 

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