Thursday, 22 January 2015

Recruiting new affiliates via social media?

Soliciting on social media can be a very tricky thing. There are certain rules that apply that are quite similar to what one would have to follow if they were submitting an email recruitment letter. If they haven't requested it or if it is not appropriate for the network or group you're initiating the recruitment in, do not post it. Aside from that, there are some rules that make being a successful recruiter possible, especially via social media. Here are the ones that I follow: 

1. Start at home first. Solicit the people closest to you. Inform them of the potential of SFI, of what is required to join SFI, and how to be successful using it. There are going to be objections; that comes with the territory. Many people have tried money making schemes in the past and have experienced the feeling of losing money to a pyramid or quick rich scheme. Approach those people with caution. Explain to them the difference between SFI and other Internet Marketing/Network Marketing/MLM businesses. Know what sets us apart.Join my team 

2. Be the resident expert. People always respect someone who has expertise in a particular area. Allow yourself to be the expert when it comes to Internet marketing. Market your expertise to everyone. 

3. Establish a group for like minded individuals. If you have friends that would like to join, allow them to join an exclusive group, just for Internet marketers in which you share with them to secrets to success in Internet marketing. 

4. Establish a marketing campaign. Some social media sites allow you to use ad campaigns. Take advantage of these opportunities to, not only market to your currenet circle of friends, those outside of your circle of influence.

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