Friday, 19 September 2014

Why should I remain focused on my SFI business when there are other companies offering me allegedly similar opportunities?

Good question! 
1. Have you heard of any company who offers similar opportunities that have been in the business for 16 years and still growing day by day? 
2. Are the other companies offering you to join for free? 
3. Where can you find a company whose founder, president is there to support you 24/7? 
4. Are the other companies offering you 24/7 support, do they have the forum and AskSC where we can submit our queries and our fellow affiliates are there to give us a useful answers? 
5. Where can you find a company that offers free tutorials and tips, it is just up to us to read and apply. 
6. Where can you find a company that would be interested to advertise and sell your unwanted or unneeded stuff and turn into easy cash? 
7. Where can you find a Company that offers you MRP for each item you purchased and you can also use it to purchase an item later? 
8. Where can you find a company that recognizes your hard works or achievements by awarding you badges? 
9. Where can you find a company that shows their other members and the date of their joining? 

If you may have noticed, most of our affiliates have been with SFI for a long time, would you think that they will still be around if they are not successful with SFI? 

Here in SFI, it's a win-win situation as long as you have the determination, patience and loved for what you are doing. Remember, SFI freely provided us to have our own store and all we need is just to manage it well. 

I hope my opinion have shed you light to why you should remain focused on your SFI business.Join now?IS FREE 

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