SFI is a business which involves marketing different products through a network of independent affiliate members around the world. SFI pays its members who join free, a monthly commission depending on how much sales is made and how big each member network is. SFI has a 17-year track record and has developed many successful affiliates who are earning money every month. At SFI you can earn residual income and you get paid every month for sale you have done only once. When you upgrade your membership to EA (Executive Affiliate) you will start making money from everyone who is active in your downline. When you start to promote your SFI gateway website URL you will get new affiliates in your network. As soon as they upgrade to EA’s, you will start earn even more income. Additionally you will start to earn retail commissions from products you sell from your own free store (tripleclicks store).
Is never to late to start join us is free.http://www.sfi4.com/12009700/first
What you really have to do begins with training. SFI provides you with the systematic training resources to get you started. The first one month is devoted to going through the training process and you can even jumpstart and start earning money in the first month. The training covers broad areas of sponsoring, advertising and duplication among others. The training helps you attain the rank of Executive Affiliate (EA). From here you will recruit more affiliates and teach them how to duplicate your efforts. When they become EA and maintain the rank, that’s when your income starts to grow. The training also encompasses earning multiple streams of income. This is a team effort and your team has to succeed for you to succeed. The emphasis here is training your team members and teaching them how to duplicate down the line.
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