Monday, 21 July 2014

Because we dared,

Its not easy to engage in something new, completely unknown.
We are afraid of new things because we know very little about them or practically nothing, we feel lost.
We are haunted from our fear of the unknown, because we do not want to afford a sense of inferiority and therefore we remain on safe zone.
In this way we miss great opportunities to improve our skills, knowledge ,quality of life. We just observe how other people around us are becoming what we want to be. Of course ,all of this we rewrite to happiness.happininess that we don’t have and that’s why we are unhappy and dissatisfied with live that we live. Is it lack to blame for this? How much luck has to do with our way of thinking?did we ever use all the tools we have available to have happier life.

Instead of looking at how other people climb above us let be the ones who will be in front of them,it doesn’t need a miracle to ,all it takes is a little courage.a bit of will and self confidence.all of these successful people was faced with the same fears as we do.they were  all scared,confused,only step away from giving up.the reason why they are successful is that they did not GIVE UP. They gathered up the courage and walked into unknown-believing.
So lets give ourselves credit and follow their example,
If we fail,we still won.BECAUSE WE DARED

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